Monday, August 27, 2007

Reality (Gilgamesh)


“In the reeds nearby a serpent pf the place
became aware of the fragrance of the plant

breathed of the perfume, desired it, and approached,
and stole away with it among the reeds”
Gilgamesh pg 80-81

Gilgamesh went trough the impossible looking for immortality and he faced a test which he failed by falling asleep. He was going to return empty-handed but Utnapishtim recognized that he made a terrible journey so he told him about the youth plants. When Gilgamesh got them, he hurt his hands badly bud at least he had something to return with to his town.

I think that the Serpent symbolizes reality and that the plants didn’t exist. When reality came, there were no plants because the plants never existed. This could be or not be a metaphor but it seems logical to me. The snake represents reality because a snake is harsh and cold and sometimes, that’s how reality is. The plants were fictional and that could explains why Gilgamesh presented his city to the boatman although he felt terrible for the loss of the plants

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