Monday, August 20, 2007

Temptation (Gilgamesh)


Temptation is one of those things that most of us can't defeat. I personally admire those who overcome temptation because we are curious since we were born. Even Adam was overthrown by temptation when he ate the forbidden fruit. Every time they give me a paper directed for my parents I open it first and I know its wrong but temptation is stronger than responsibility. Temptation leads us to the unknown and the forbidden, it is a feeling that we all enjoy and that is why I admire those stronger than temptation.

In pages 7-10, the harlot seduces Enkidu and convinces him to travel to Uruk. Enkidu was distracted from his mission, he lost the company of his creatures and he changed his life for a women. Although he know that by sleeping with Shamhat some things would change, he did it because of temptation and desire. Enkidu felt strongly attracted to her so he forgot his current mission and slept with her. After Enkidu slept with the harlot, he went out looking for the creatures that used to be his companion but when they saw him, they fled and everything changed.

This shows that not even the most powerful person in the world can resist the temptations that this life has to offer. Every human makes mistakes because making mistakes is part of being human.


J. Tangen said...

I like your elaboration of themes. I'd only like to see more variety in your stlye of response. Try responding more personally.


Gabriela Paredes said...

I like what you say about temptation and how hard it sometimes is to resist it. I also like how you related the part of the story to real life. Good job.