Thursday, January 17, 2008

Njal's Saga 174 - 184

I wasn't aware that we only had to read ten pages per day and now that I know, that's what I'll do. This few pages that I read today talk about the transformation of Island into christianism and how it affected everything around it. Basically, many were glad about this new religion including Njal but others felt disgust at it.

From what I read, people converted quite easily and at a fast rate. This makes me think that people were very unstable in respects of faith. For example, Njal, a character who was known to be wise and confident. Shouldnt he have kept his religion? Although he didnt involve his religious views with his teachings and visions, a wise man shouldnt be changing his religion so fastly. It's okay to accept a new religion but its a process that takes time.

If a new religion came in these days, just a few would join it for it wouldn't be as trustable as other religions that have been around for centuries.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Njal's Saga 132 - 173

This talks about Njial's sons and their trips and their relations with others. I read that these two brothers had no competition after Gunnar died and this made me think about something. It relates with time. You know how when you are upset or mad at some people that you expect others to wait on you to solve the problem or to feel better before they continue with their lives? (at least this have happened to me as for when I get into a fight with my parents etc.) Not so long ago I finally realizided that as much as you want that to happen, life goes on and it wont wait for you to feel better.

It may appear stupid for some but I know of many people who end up in the same situation whether they accept it or not. You cannot really wait on your parents for instance to say they are sorry if it was your fault. Thats why I learned that you have to move on with things and be the person with the inniciative. The outcome is not really important but the time you waste by being on hold really matters. Why should you be "suffering" for a problem while you can simply accept the fact that you have to move on? Life is great and is for everyone to enjoy, you decide whether you want to or not and nothing is there to keep you from doing it.

Something I want to add off-topic from what I was talking about is that I got really confused with the matters of the two Hoskulds. One Hoskuld appeared all of a sudden while the other was killed or something like that. I didnt really understand that and thats because everyone has the same names because its a Saga based on real facts (thats what I understood) and its common for people to have the same names around family trees.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Njal's Saga 100-131

This segment talks about Gunnar and how he finnaly dies. I came to like much more Gunnar than Njal and this is probably for their attitude towards things. It's obvious that Njial is the wisest of them all and is honest and loyal but in the other side, Gunnar is more of a warrior who fights for what he stands for and does what his heart tells him, even if it'll cause death.

Gunnar fights for his rights and that is why I enjoy this character so much. He is a hero and I could relate to him in the fact that I'm the kind of person that acts when sees the chance rather than evaluates the outcomes as Njal. As Gunnar, this actions might sometimes lead me into problems but by only doing it, I feel satisfied.

Although I came to see Gunnar as my favorite character in the saga, I feel dissapointed to see that he preffered to die than to followe Njal's last advice and leave as the terms agreed. This is the time when A person feels better than anything else in the world and it's never good. You'll always have friends and always have enemies and therefore you shouldnt be risking to play against the odds of being immortal (this applies for Gunnar and for everyone in every situation). There is always going to be a point in which you'll cease to grow and it may mean death. I do beleive that anything is possible and therefore you should do everything you want to. But you have to be aware that nobody except God is God to decide what will happen next.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Njals Saga 60-98

Most of this segment talks about the continuos killing between Gunnar and Njial's slaves. I thought it would all end more dramatically but it was set into an agreement. I can see that the most valuable action from anyone in the story is to win the battles without actually fighting since the slayings always end in revenges and payments.

Gunnar is the most respected and followed man that I've learned from in the saga and I guess he'll face numerous battles to Mord something... I can't recall his name but from what he's appeared, he is really wise and for what it's been told he is evil and powerful.

Now, returning to what's valorized amongst the people in the saga, when Gunnar killed all of these people, he got into serious trouble involving him to pay serious fines (Ignoring the fact that Njal helped on the trial). If it where to be another story, A man who killed 6 men by himself would be a true hero but the difference (i beleive) is that in the saga, the story is not about Gunnar and his people so it remains fairly even (although it does talk more about Gunnar). Gunnar is definitevely a real hero right now because he is the strongest in the moment, as well as one of the most honoured, befriended and respected and I dont know but for now, I beleive that the saga should be called Gunnar's Saga.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Njal's Saga 39-59

This story revolves around the same characters over and over again. I almotst forgot that Thjosolft was dead and hoped for another confrontation but then I remembered. This story is better every time but I'd really wished that they didnt went by introducing so many characters that arent even mentioned (or at least for now).

Reading this segment made me think about the 6 degrees of separation theory. It is said (although i think its less now) that all the people in the world are connected by 6 people they know. This means that the friend of the friend of the friend etc. could now Angelina jolie. In this story everyone seems to relate with each other and who would've thought, that Hallgerd was yet to appear again and is going to cause an immenent damage once again. I'd like to read this story from the beggining to see even yet more bonds.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Njal's Saga 30-39

This Saga is amazing. I am enjoying this story and it gets better everytime. From what I understood, what I read yestorday was pure background story to introduce Njal who must definitevely be the main character (I mean, the Saga is name after him).

The whole idea that Njal is able to know exactly part by part, what should Gunnar do to make his plan work, is just incredible. It reminds me to the movie "Next", with Nicolas Cage. The only difference between the movie and the Saga is that in Next, Nicolas Cage is the one that knows the future and is the one that acts it while Njal (aside from being capable to predict all the future) predicts it for others. Now a days, he'd make millions reading the future.

Speaking of reading the future, my sister told me earlier about a supposed medium that has predicted some of her friend's future with "100% preccision". I off course dont beleive it but must accept that I feel intrigued and would like to have my future read (not all of it, I dont want to know when I'll die). Reading the future would be such a powerful tool for the governments and the military that it would even be dangerous I'd say. I do beleive in all those strange things in life that are left to be discovered and as for Njal's Saga, I would like to know what will happen next.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Njal’s Saga 19-29

I am thankful that finally we are reading something closer to prose. Personally, I found it very difficult to read the bible and didnt enjoy a bit of it (it doesnt have to do with my religious views since I am a christian). I enjoyed what we've read so far and actually went ahead. The story seems great and its a typical story of a hero.

Something that I dont understand is the various characters that keep appearing in the story. Each of these characters makes you think he is the main one but from what I've read, the only character who's appeared since the beggining is Hallgerd and yet, she hasnt been emphasized much. Maybe this saga contains various main characters that are joined together into the story or maybe all sagas are like this (I haven't read any other sagas).

At first I thought that Thorvald was the main character and all of a sudden, Bang, he is killed. My hypothesis is that the whole story is going to revolve around Thjostolf and his jelousy towards Hallgerd's husbands. Its really a great book and cant wait to see what happens next.