Thursday, January 10, 2008

Njal's Saga 30-39

This Saga is amazing. I am enjoying this story and it gets better everytime. From what I understood, what I read yestorday was pure background story to introduce Njal who must definitevely be the main character (I mean, the Saga is name after him).

The whole idea that Njal is able to know exactly part by part, what should Gunnar do to make his plan work, is just incredible. It reminds me to the movie "Next", with Nicolas Cage. The only difference between the movie and the Saga is that in Next, Nicolas Cage is the one that knows the future and is the one that acts it while Njal (aside from being capable to predict all the future) predicts it for others. Now a days, he'd make millions reading the future.

Speaking of reading the future, my sister told me earlier about a supposed medium that has predicted some of her friend's future with "100% preccision". I off course dont beleive it but must accept that I feel intrigued and would like to have my future read (not all of it, I dont want to know when I'll die). Reading the future would be such a powerful tool for the governments and the military that it would even be dangerous I'd say. I do beleive in all those strange things in life that are left to be discovered and as for Njal's Saga, I would like to know what will happen next.

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