Sunday, January 13, 2008

Njal's Saga 39-59

This story revolves around the same characters over and over again. I almotst forgot that Thjosolft was dead and hoped for another confrontation but then I remembered. This story is better every time but I'd really wished that they didnt went by introducing so many characters that arent even mentioned (or at least for now).

Reading this segment made me think about the 6 degrees of separation theory. It is said (although i think its less now) that all the people in the world are connected by 6 people they know. This means that the friend of the friend of the friend etc. could now Angelina jolie. In this story everyone seems to relate with each other and who would've thought, that Hallgerd was yet to appear again and is going to cause an immenent damage once again. I'd like to read this story from the beggining to see even yet more bonds.

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