Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Job Last Entry

God is never wrong, God can't be wrong because he is God and if he is wrong, He isn't

God states on this text that he is superior in every aspect when compared to humans when really, i don`t see much difference between humans and God. The differences are stablished according to him because we've seen on the text that he doubts to forgive Job and in fact, chapters 35 & 36 are based on proving that God is better and shall not be compared to humans. If he sees us as inferiors in that way, I don't want to imagine the way he treated the slaves because if we were to draw a "Food chain", Slaves are below humans and therefore animal-liked to God.

I have to admit that I was surprised to see that God finally rewarded Job and granted him more than what he had before. I guess that the story we would've been told is that there was a man called Job and he was the best in the world. The devil cheated on him and to grant his loyalty, altough he was guilty of cursing God, God duplicated his belongings and made him even happier and succesful.

The real story, God took everything from Job and he almost accept it but finally lost it and cursed God. He then was mad at God and was looking for answers and then was convinced that God didn't have anything to do with his actions, God being so "generous" decided to forgive him (in my oppinion God was the one that had to apologize) and gave him more goods which arent important because after all, supossedly, material things arent as important.

To prove God's arrogance:

"Therefore take unto you now seven bullocks and seven rams, and go tom y servant Job, and offer up for yourselves a burnt offering; and my servant Job shall pray for you: for him will I accept" Job 42:8

1 comment:

J. Tangen said...

Your responses have really improved. Always proofread what you write.