Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Job 1

Job was the best person in the middle east, according to the story and Satan made him loose everything. Satan, wanting suffering for humanity, convinced God as one of his child (which I guess is in a symbolical way because supposedly God didnt have any kids, except for Jesus. Satan told God to test his faith by presenting him tasks and life difficulties, to see if he would continue being a straight man, or if he was going to blame it all on God.

First, he lost his herds, his camels and even his sons and he didnt care. (He did care but said that if God was who gave him everything, he could also take everything away from him). As if this wasnt enough to prove his straightforwardness towards God, Satan set him up again. In my opinion its a crime. There aren't any lives that are worth 1 man's life. I mean, not even if this guy was our president, no one should die for him because that isn't how things work. Yet, if they shall die for a purpose, it shall be their descision and not anyone's descision because if you aren't willing to give your life for someone else, you dont have too.

The narrator admitted that Angels (or God, or Satan) questioned his purity, as it being stronger than that of his creator. They wondered if he was such a great man and I guess (because I stopped reading) that Satan will convice God to set him up again. I found this unfair because if Job is as great as it says, why should he loose everything? She should've been rewarded instead. Curiosity isn't an excuse for his losses or anyones and that I think is wrong. You shouldnt be hurting people to see if they react violently, or if you have to, do it once because in this cases people will tend to keep their calmness. If they ever respond aggresively, this means that they've reached the limit and that is by no means wrong, its just a limit, and from what I've read, even God has a limit.

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