Thursday, October 4, 2007

myths 17th entry

The Golden Fleece

At the end of the myth, it says that this store could be the same of Noah’s Ark. People accept that these stories have both real facts and fiction. I disliked the fact that this story starts by talking about the kids that travelled around the world and ends up talking about a challenge that a hero solves. I understand that the kids are mentioned to introduce the story but I think that the change shouldn’t have been that abrupt because you spend the whole story waiting to hear the whole story about these two kids.

This story is the typical story about a hero that is challenged by a king and ends up winning the challenge and getting the girl. You see this same story in all the knight tales, they are all the same and I guess they came from this story in a way. I think that the story of the Golden Fleece symbolizes the beginning of the quests of that time period and the battles for territory amongst the different kingdoms. The tasks mean the hard it was for one to defeat the other although some had an advantage. The kids that went to different places means that each place took a different path and ideology although they all came from the same roots.

Medea and Jason

Its obvious that Medea was a witch. She looked innocent at first but when I heard about the serpents chariot, I knew that she was as dark as the night. I’d always thought that sorcery started in the castle ages, but it never occurred to me that those things came back down from ancient Greece and Rome. I’d say that even the saints feel the need for revenge at any time of their lives. I couldn’t imagine who life would be if we never felt the need for vengeance. I think that as long as there is envy, there is vengeance because revenge comes from envy or jealousy in a way.

I’ve surely felt the need to revenge many times in my life. In fact, it happened to me in the past days. A friend kicked me but not in a looking-for-a-fight way and I kicked him back. Then he hit me because I kicked him and I hit him back. This turned out into a vicious cycle in which we almost end up hitting ourselves in the face but fortunately, I was able to think back the situation and calm myself down as well as my friend.

Meleager and Atalanta

It’s a shame, how a mother killed her own song in revenge of her brothers. I don’t know but from what I think is right, sons are ranked higher in the importance scale than brothers do. Maybe in some cases brothers are more important but I don’t think that they reach that point in which their death becomes the son’s death. She could’ve renounced to her son or ignored him for the rest of eternity but she didn’t have the right to kill him. A hero died because of his mother and that is just unfair. What we need right now and what we needed back then are heroes and I think that there will never be enough of them.

1 comment:

J. Tangen said...

I agree without you about Bulfinch's intrusions into these myths. Still, I'd like that you cite text.

