Sunday, October 21, 2007

The bible Third Entry (Genesis 11-28)

Genesis 11-28

These chapters talked about Abraham, his trip to the Promised Land and his offspring. The thing that caught my attention when I was reading were the actions of some. I always though that the bible talked about flawless people and leaders but I found out that that’s not fully true. For instance, God sends Abraham in a test of faith in which he has to kill his son. At the end he didn’t kill him but putting a person against his family for religion is not right. Probably religion was stronger back then than it is right now but still, in the moral values scale, first goes family and then goes religion (down on the list).

The bible also mentioned another case that goes against the morals. Two daughters got her father drunk to lay with him to preserve the family offspring. This is not only wrong but is actually considered a crime now days! Some people are having affairs and they are destroying towns because God said so. I look at it with huge disappointment because I always thought that as Christians, we were expected to do good because since the beginning of it they’ve been doing it. Who are they to tell us how to behave if they didn’t behave. Yet, I don’t know if this is because I haven’t reach the part in which God’s Commandments are written on the tablets because it changes everything. I mean, if they didn’t have any rules, who could tell them what was right and what was wrong?

I cant accuse my own religion because I haven’t read any other text about the different religions. I am almost 100% sure that they too have flaws on their past. This proves that no one is perfect and that even God made mistakes (or at least in my point of view). I’m looking forward to reading different religious pieces to compare and contrast them amongst each other because I cant say something is the worst, when it’s the only one I know about. For example if I’ve only ate one cereal brand I’d be bias to say it’s the worst cereal I’ve ever tried. It would be the worst cereal indeed, but it will also be the best one.

So to end this evaluation about these chapters I have to say that I was surely disappointed of what I read but its because of my lack of information and it could even be related to the things I was taught as a younger kids by my religion teachers.

1 comment:

J. Tangen said...

I am glad you are connecting with the text, but please recognize the Catholic Church claims the Bible as it own. Remember that Jews and Muslims also lay claim to Genesis.
Secondly, cite from the text. Watch you capitalization.

