Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Bible Second Entry

Genesis 5-11

This story is about Noah and all his descendants. I remember that in Gilgamesh there was a similar success and I’m guessing that there was a great flood which became these two stories eventually. In my opinion, the flood symbolizes purification of the earth and the humans. I don’t know how did the civilization arouse from that small group of people having in mind they all were related and then supposedly all their kids would be born with mental problems. Imagine if that story were true, we’d all have mental problems cause we’d all be direct descendants from Noah.

That was a shallow analysis but getting into the deeper thoughts, the flood. The flood mean the end and only those in the arch were saved. If you think about it, the responsible for the flood wasn’t God, it was us. We were responsible (the people that lived back then, when I say we I am referring to us the humans) because of our behavior. We weren’t behaved as we should’ve behaves so god sent us a flood to kill us all. Fortunately, this cant happen as precisely in real life but it could really happen in a long term. As Ishmael said, we might seem to be on an uplifting process in humanity but that is just covering up the real deal, the major problems like global warming, international affairs related to worldwide wars and the resources, that might seem abundant in the moment but one day we’ll wake up and realize there is nothing left.

In my opinion we should be prepared for the oncoming and try to slow the process down because after all, you never know if you’ll be granted access to the next Noah’s arch which might even be the spaceship to the moon!

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