Sunday, December 2, 2007


What i found out about Go after I read all the tutorials is that Go relates to Confucius in a way because both are calm and patient. They are able to think further away from their next step in order to win or in confucius case, to have the smartest answers. Serenity is the key to win in Go and that is why Confucius would've been a world champion at this game, he thinks before acting and he doesnt nessesarily attack since you can attack by deffending yourself.

That is another characteristic i liked about the game, that if you maintain yourself attacking your opponent, you dont have time to defend yourself and therefore you'll loose. I kept seeing in the page that it mentioned that Go is a sharing game and you have to learn to yield and make sacrifices in order to win, in fact I'll post these very own words from the webpage down below.

"Keep in mind that Go is a sharing game - you can't get everything. You have to yield, you have to sacrifice, you have to apologize if you were too greedy. If you were too aggressive, you will lose everything, literally!"

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