Sunday, December 9, 2007

Tao Te Ching 44 to 66

I found these chapters as the most interesting I've read but i think that the next ones will be even better and so on and so forth. These chapters mostly express the same 3 ideas.

The first one. You have to be a simple person and detach yourself from everything that you don't need. I am sure that this has a great, positive effect in your life but I dont consider myself ready to do such a difficult change in my life. This implies release yourself from every relationship, every material thing that is "useless" and every situation that is not nessesary.

The second one is that you can do more by doing less (which we already discussed in class). A quote I found that really made me think is "The farther you go, the less you know." chapter 47.
This is real because as you see more and more things, you have less time to really get to know these things or places and therefore end up with useless vague ideas that end up being a waste of time. Instead, when you take your time to get to know everything around you, that's when you really get to understand and truly learn. This means that you should take your time since you shouldnt have any hurries.

The last one says that you should take everything piece by piece and then you will accomplish even the greatest things. "See simplicity in the complicated" 63 "In the universe, the difficult things are done as if they are easy". 63 I will definitevly apply it to every situation I face from now one. First, I'll make the problem as simple as possible. This will save me more time and I will just focus on doing the important. Then, I will split what i have to do in little pieces to make it much easier.

I am sure that by combining all these 3 ideas your life will be really easy and serene. I guess that one thing that you can learn is that if you can accomplish simething by doing less and letting things solve themselves, why should you bother on worring about it and make a whole big deal about it. I strongly beleive that life is what you make out of it and if you can make your life easier and better, why shouldnt you at least try?

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