Monday, December 17, 2007

Mark 1-10

Jesus vs. God?

"And he took the damsel by the hand, and said unto her, Talitha Cumi; which is, being interpreted, Damsel, I say unto thee, arise. And straightway the damsel arose, and walked; for she was of the age of twelve years. And they were astonished with a great astonishment." (5:41-42)

This is the part in which Jesus revived a young girl and I think of it as one of his greatest accomplishments. I mean, who has ever revived someone? Not even God revives people and if they are revived, they are meant to be revived so how is it so accepted that Jesus, the son of God can go walking around reviving and healing people from left to right? I know he is the son of God but playing with life is supposed to be a sin and not accepted by christians.

I wonder, if Jesus could walk around reviving people, whats the big problem with the scientists creating artificial life? Whats the deal with abortion? It seems to me as if anyone with the power to revive someone could do it. I'm not saying that I would like to have my own personal clown that cleaned my clothes, that would be akward but my point is compleately different. Where is supossed to be the limit or the line that divides what is right and what is accepted by our religion?

I knew about this revival since I was a kid and i never thought about it. No one has the right to alter others life so drastically. Yet, another thing is that the story has changed and the girl was only sick and Jesus cured her. In this case that is great, a doctor cured an ill patient. But, brining the dead back to life? In modern days this girl couldve been a lab-rat with a nickname as Frankenstain!

I do beleive that laws are for everyone equally and no one should have the right to avoid them for his or her rank.

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