Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Njal's Saga 100-131

This segment talks about Gunnar and how he finnaly dies. I came to like much more Gunnar than Njal and this is probably for their attitude towards things. It's obvious that Njial is the wisest of them all and is honest and loyal but in the other side, Gunnar is more of a warrior who fights for what he stands for and does what his heart tells him, even if it'll cause death.

Gunnar fights for his rights and that is why I enjoy this character so much. He is a hero and I could relate to him in the fact that I'm the kind of person that acts when sees the chance rather than evaluates the outcomes as Njal. As Gunnar, this actions might sometimes lead me into problems but by only doing it, I feel satisfied.

Although I came to see Gunnar as my favorite character in the saga, I feel dissapointed to see that he preffered to die than to followe Njal's last advice and leave as the terms agreed. This is the time when A person feels better than anything else in the world and it's never good. You'll always have friends and always have enemies and therefore you shouldnt be risking to play against the odds of being immortal (this applies for Gunnar and for everyone in every situation). There is always going to be a point in which you'll cease to grow and it may mean death. I do beleive that anything is possible and therefore you should do everything you want to. But you have to be aware that nobody except God is God to decide what will happen next.

1 comment:

J. Tangen said...

Perhaps these two characters are foils. Maybe we need a bit of both.