Thursday, January 17, 2008

Njal's Saga 174 - 184

I wasn't aware that we only had to read ten pages per day and now that I know, that's what I'll do. This few pages that I read today talk about the transformation of Island into christianism and how it affected everything around it. Basically, many were glad about this new religion including Njal but others felt disgust at it.

From what I read, people converted quite easily and at a fast rate. This makes me think that people were very unstable in respects of faith. For example, Njal, a character who was known to be wise and confident. Shouldnt he have kept his religion? Although he didnt involve his religious views with his teachings and visions, a wise man shouldnt be changing his religion so fastly. It's okay to accept a new religion but its a process that takes time.

If a new religion came in these days, just a few would join it for it wouldn't be as trustable as other religions that have been around for centuries.


J. Tangen said...

Your enthusiasm for Njal's Saga shows in these blogs. When you speak about religion are you talking about Christianity?


trustable (you couldn't trust it)
Please fix all apostrophes to improve your written English for next semester.

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