Thursday, December 13, 2007

Matthew 13- 22

The beggining of these books made me think that we are misinterpreting everything in the new testament. Jesus says that he speaks in parable because you can see and not see and you can hear and not hear. What you have to do to understand anything is to think about it and interpret it. I beleive this is true since you choose what to see. When you don't see you can't choose what to see. You have to think about it and thats when you'll trully learn. Maybe everything mentioned in the bible about Jesus is written in a parabolical sense and we should not take for granted that Jesus walked on water but we should be thinking of the meaning of walking on water. A wild guess about what the walking on water means is that water symbolizes the stablished ideas by society and when Jesus walks on water, he overcame these barries and therefore was free from any "laws" as the law of walking on water would be.

Jesus life presents dozens of ideas that we should think about. I can't say that something is real because i didnt live with them to take it for granted. I mean, how do we know that Homer "epics" weren't real? there is nothing that says that they are real as nothing says that they arent. As I see it, the same applies for Jesus since we cant relly on a text. As Jesus could be symbolical or if he existed, his death for humanity maybe was more than dying to forgive our sins. Maybe the death and his attitude toward it also tried to teach us that there is no reason to fear death. After all, us christians beleive we'll go to heaven and I dont see the downside of it.

I know I am taking all this too far but it could be real. Maybe there is more of his teachings than the superficial ideas that are mentioned on the book. If he teaches in parables, why shouldnt we learn in parables too?

1 comment:

J. Tangen said...

Jesus' life
new testament