Monday, December 17, 2007

Matthew 23-28

Honestly, I would've preffered to read something else in vacations because of the complexity of the bible in terms of grammar. The words used in it distract me from the main point of the stories and I cant seem to get strong connections with my life relating this issues.

Once again, Jesus implores complete obedience rather than "social" obedience. It seems as if Jesus prefered those who didnt follow the rules at all than those who followed them at halves. One of the parables told in these chapters talked about 10 virgins and it grabbed my attention. According to this parable, 5 virgins were wise and 5 were foolish and the wise ones were the ones that ended up with the lord. Untill this point I had a complete understanding. You have to be prepared for everythig because you don't know what is coming and you must be obedient at all times because If you follow God laws when you want (just like the 5 foolish virgins), you wont be granted acces to the heavens. Then, it mentioned that the master of the 5 wise virgins provided them with all that they needed for their journey and that is the part that confused me. According to that phrase, not everyone can be with the lord, only those who are choosen get a chance. This isnt fair at all.

Lets say that you are not choosen and yet, you want to be with God and do everything as you are supposed to. Is this supposed to mean that you cant be with him no matter what? Does this mean that you wont be able to do whats nessesary to be with God even if you truly want to? That parable was very confusing indeed.

1 comment:

J. Tangen said...

I agree that the New Testament has some difficult verse, but need to know how to read and enjoy verse. It's a different type of reading. We'll try some of this in class.


Fix all apostrophes.