Wednesday, September 26, 2007

myths 13th entry

The myrmidons

In this story you can see that everything has a happy ending. Would you think that the plague will continue for the rest of eternity? I think that the death of all these people was a symbolical process of purification. The old persons (the ones filled with greed, anger and lure) vanished and new ones came, the better versions. This means that people who were changed into better persons and not necessarily by dying. Maybe they were introduced to a new religion, or they were taught from a great philosopher. What this story deeply means is that people transformed into a better race, which was more attentive, more emotional, and they were fearless and exited about new things.


Niobe dared Latona, by saying that her offspring was better than hers. This caused death amongst them all, 14 in total. Then, his husband was killed and she was turned into rock, representing eternal grieve. I learn from this story that there is no good in bragging because after all, whether you say it or not, it won’t change the fact that you did. it and You don’t need anyone making you feel better about what you did because that means that you aren’t truly confident about your actions and you need someone to tell you that what you did was great.

The Sea-Monster

After I finished this story, I remembered a famous quote that says, “The bigger they are, the harder they fall”. This quotes means that the greater the challenge is, the greater the pleasure you fell after you are done. This story didn’t have a great theme behind it except one I’ve talked about it much in previous blogs. You have to do what you want to do and I don’t mean in a rebel way but in a fight-for-your-rights way. People that don’t suffer much before taking decisions tend to do better in life in every single aspect. For example, I am a soccer goalkeeper and if I doubt a penalty and take more time that necessary to act, the other team will score. That’s why I dive into the air, lead by my instincts and some times I am able to grab the ball, sometimes they score a goal. A 50% chance is way higher than a 0% chance isn’t it?

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