Thursday, September 6, 2007

Myths !st Entry


The first Myth that I read was that of Theseus. This myth is similar to Gilgamesh in many aspects. For example, in both the main character is a privileged person, superior that the others. Gilgamesh is a king and he is part god and Theseus, he is son of a king and is gifted with bravery and fighting skills. Another reason why these two stories relate is because both characters are looking for pride and glory and they face the strongest opponents in the area, and they manage to defeat them. You could say that the characters were very similar and I am starting to think that most of the heroes of ancient mythology posses the same characteristics.


I already knew this story from a cartoon of the TV. I found it incredible, how curiosity defeated Orpheus as he turned around to look for her beloved one. Enkidu was overthrown by curiosity as well, at the beginning on the story when the harlot seduced him. This proves once again that curiosity is stronger than most of us. I can also compare the love that Orpheus had to Eurycide with the one of Gilgamesh and Enkidu. Orpheus went looking for her to the underworld and according to the last tablet of Gilgamesh (the one that came from the Akkadians), Gilgamesh pled the gods so that Enkidu could live one more time.


This story was similar to the one of Orpheus because both of them play the lyre. I think that the lyre was a very important instrument back in those days. At the end, Arion ended up winning so I found that part different from Orpheus’ myth in which he fails his task and on The Epic Gilgamesh too, because he failed to find immortality. So far I’ve found this myths very entertaining and I am looking forward to read some more.

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