Monday, September 10, 2007

Myths 3rd Entry (Love)


The story of Apollo relates to real life and some movies on love. Love is always there and will always be there. Cupid’s arrow symbolizes how easy you can fall in love and how difficult it is to avoid it. This story tells us that we cant force someone to love us. It is their will to love us and as much as we want to try, if she doesn’t want too, she will try to do anything to avoid it. Love is not in our hands although we can help it flourish but ultimately, love is a feeling that exceeds the power of human nature.

This story is the same as Romeo and Juliet. I think that Shakespeare got his idea from this story. Surprisingly enough, both myths I’ve read today have to do with love. This makes me think that love was very important for Greeks at that time but then again, in which culture isn’t love important? Love is very important and it is one of the strongest things in the world. True love even surpasses the fear of death and that is because there isn’t a better feeling than that of being in love.


Cephalus suffered for his rejection to Aurora. Although this story relates also about love, it focuses more on the darker side, that of jealousy and envy. I find it unfair that a honest, loving husband suffers that destiny just for denying love to someone else than his wife. This story shows that not all the gods are as divine as gods in different religions. The Greek gods punished them if they felt offended or insulted and didn’t do what was right, they choose what felt better for them. This makes me think how our lives would be if we were part of that religion. We’d be totally controlled by gods and our personal happiness and freedom would be denied.

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