Thursday, September 20, 2007

myths 9th entry

The Graee and the Gorgons

The graee and the gorgons weren’t important on mythology except medusa but I think that is the case with all the monsters of mythology. There was only few famous centaurs and even less flying horses. I agree with some modern writers that say that these monsters were all personifications of terror because either they really were personifications, or people didn’t know what they were doing back then.

Perseus and Medusa

I’ve know this story since I was a little kid when I saw it on discovery channel. This story is a good example that teaches us to confront your fears. Something I’ve learned in the past months is that you have to face your deepest fears because if you avoid them, they will come back and haunt you. In my opinion, if you want to succeed in life, you have to attack it, to receive it with positive expectations because things always end up being better if done this way.

Perseus and Atlas

Back then, people believed strongly in the oracle’ sayings and I don’t know if this is good or bad. After I’ve read like 20 myths, I am in the side of the humans. I still think that gods punished humans in an unfair way. Their punishments were based on personal wants rather than on logic or on doing the correct thing. Gods could be compared to the government. They do what they please and they favour some but make the rest suffer. There is one thing that’s been there since the beginning oh humanity and that is corruption and greed.

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