Monday, September 17, 2007

Myths 7th entry

Nisus and Scylla

This is a story that reminds me of honor and pride. It isn’t the same to win a soccer math when the other team doesn’t presents itself than to win it by playing and giving it all. Maybe Minos didn’t want the territory but the fame and he felt offended by the actions of Scylla.

Echo and Narcissus

This first story is about the creation of the echo. It is funny how the story makes sense. She wasn’t able to speak before and ended up repeating what was said. I haven’t read much but I hope I see more myths containing explanation of natural occurrences.

Hero and Leander

I cant imagine someone in modern days doing the impossible for love although it happens, it isn’t as common. These stories show that love was very important to them. I also read a story similar to Romeo and Juliet but with different characters and situations. This means that love was one of the most important things for them and I think that love was the only feeling that surpassed gods commands.

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