Tuesday, September 25, 2007

myths 12th entry

Prometheus and Pandora

I liked this story and how the showed the changes in humans until the gods decided to leave them on their own. It very much relates to the story of the bible in which God decides to destroy all the humans because of their actions. Its been stated that the stories on the bible are all metaphorical and invented so I wander if they got the same idea from Greeks, or what happened because that is not the only story that seems similar. This is probably one of the best stories in this book because it explains the creation of man.


Proserpine was queen of the underworld. She was forced to marry and she remained sad. Although she was a good person, she was forced to live with the evil and with the dead. This story teaches us that we aren’t able to choose our families, and parts of our lives. There are simply things that we cannot change but we surely can accept them and enjoy them. Life is what you make out of it.

Vertemnus and Pomona

What I learned form this story is that you shall not hide what you feel. Not only on love but also with your enemies and the people that surround you. You have to be yourself and have the guts to do what you want to because that’s the only thing that will make you happy. I think that love is really strong and although you cant change what others feel for you, you can try and that’s what Vertemnus should’ve done from the start. According to the story he was young and handsome and he shared similar tastes to Pomona so that’s why I think he should’ve presented himself at first. Nevertheless, his plan worked and he lived happily ever after. I strongly believe that you can achieve what you propose and you truly desire. It’s the emotions with the actions that lead to you to the best things in this world.

1 comment:

J. Tangen said...

Don't worry so much about explanations and more about descriptions.


the Bibke