Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Myths 4th Entry


This story is about a maiden that was turned into a bear because of her appearance and power of attraction. As I have said on previous blogs, I found the gods full of jealousy and corruption. Maybe is because they are just like humans except much more powerful and with the gift of eternal life. It is unfair that a beautiful woman is turned into a bear for her appearance but in the end, she ended up becoming a star constellation. This shows that although there are some bad gods, there are good ones too.


Once again, a goddess has their cruel revenge. I think that from now on, I’ll se these gods as regular beings because they are very similar. Humans tend to want revenge and that’s what they do. I thing it is a natural feeling and action that is caused for our need for feeling superior. Animals like to show their superiority too. They want to prove that they are better than the rest and that is why if the suffer from an attack, they plan a revenge, because they want to be seen as the best. In some species, only the alpha male gets to sleep with the females.

I know a very similar story that I think appears in the bible. It is about a poor family that hosts God when he comes in the disguise of a weary poor traveler. He who has a lithe shall have the most. I don’t know the relationship between these two stories but I know the message. You have to give as much as you can, ignoring the fact that you have less or more than others do. I personally feel great when I give something, whether its money or a little of time, the personal satisfaction is unexplainable.

1 comment:

J. Tangen said...

Are the gods eternal? Where ahve seen that in the text? I like your biblical connection. We'll see more of that in the coming weeks.